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Initial visit

Please expect to be in the office for 2-3 hours for your initial visits.

Here’s what you can expect in our clinic.


Contact us (inquiry) 

Fill medical questionnaire; After you make an initial appointment, we will send you paper works to be filled. We’d like you to fill it out in advance and bring it to our office.

Hands on Keyboard

Share your story (Subjective) 

We take a full history of your present condition and past condition. You will be asked what you’re looking for and what you'd like to improve as well.

Two Pens on Notebook

Let us assess your function (Objective) 

Dr. Ikeda performs a comprehensive exam and functional assessment to find out a cause of the issue. (Please click here to find out about our examination)

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Discover (Assessment) 

Dr. Ikeda takes enough time to explain his findings and draw out your physiological/neurological condition & functional capacity. After you understand what is going on in your body and only when your condition is appropriate for our methods, treatment plan to improve your brain/body function will be suggested. We're going to set a goal together!

After you fully understand your conditions and agree to the treatment plan, we initiate the treatment plan. The treatment plan is flexible and we will modify the plan based on your responses and prognosis. To find out our treatment/rehabilitation mehtods, please click here.

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Make change (Action) 

After you fully understand your conditions and agree to the treatment plan, we initiate the treatment plan. The treatment plan is flexible and we will modify the plan based on your responses and prognosis. Most of the time, you will see the result and difference immediately after*. 

To find out our treatment/rehabilitation methods, please click here.


Find out result immediately (Plan & Prognosis) 

After you fully understand your conditions and agree to the treatment plan, we initiate the treatment plan. The treatment plan is flexible and we will modify the plan based on your responses and prognosis. Most of the time, you will see the result and difference immediately after*. 

To find out our treatment/rehabilitation methods, please click here.

*Although the result is expected based on examination findings and clinical experience, it is not guaranteed

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Exercise (Home instruction)

You will be given some home exercises to help improve your brain/body functions. It could be brain-based exercises and/or muscle/core strengthening exercises. It depends on your needs. You will receive the list of exercises on PDF format file via email or you will be given instruction sheet in the office.  You also may be instructed to make lifestyle or diet changed, to address the cause of symptoms. Frequency of in-office rehabilitation varies individually. On follow-up exam, Dr.Ikeda will regularly measures your responses and prognosis. 

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Your brain needs exercises! 




パーキンソン病、めまい、転倒、バランス障害、運動障害、発達障害、ADD, ADHD, 関節痛、脳しんとう、脳卒中後障害、認知症、ディストニア、腰痛、肩こり、頭痛、スポーツ障害、ランナー肘、テニス肘、ゴルフ肘、四十肩、五十肩、むち打ち、寝違い、痺れ、姿勢改善、側湾症、不定愁訴、慢性疲労など、様々な問題を抱えている方々でも、機能神経学に基づいた背術と運動で、お身体の機能を回復・改善を目指します。

​札幌市中央区大通西16丁目1-10 ITCセンタービル3F


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